28.12.2021 Today few of our cats meet the best photografer who do great job with them

06.03.2020 New Siberian boy coming from Poland to our cattery, Vivar z Dzikiej Syberii
From March 2018 you can see our kittens on RTE junior in Bright Sparks program.

16.10.2016 SABCCI & GCCFI Cat Show
Our new Siberian boy, won on his very first show – Best of Breed, Best of Semi=longhair kitten, Best in Show Semi-longhair and reserve Overal Best in Show. We are so proud of him 🙂

27.06.2016 To our cattery arrived new Siberian stud boy.
First in Ireland Golden Siberian – Ezyr z Dzikiej Syberii

10.06.2016 We have new Maine Coon kittens
08.06.2016 We have new Siberian kittens
04.06.2016 We have new Siberian kittens
02.06.2016 We have new Maine Coon kittens
17.04.2016 We have new Maine Con kittens
16.04.2016 We have new Maine Coon kittens
12.11.2015 We have new Maine Coon kittens
10.11.2015 We have new Maine Coon kittens
07.11.2015 We have new Siberian kittens
18.10.2015 Great day for our two boys: Bulgari and Brutus on 62nd Annual Championship Cat Show in Dublin
Bulgari got 1Hibernian Cert, BOB, Brutus 1CC, BOB and BOV and was nominated for Best in Show (Best in Show in Semi-longhair class).
30.09.2015 We have new Siberian kittens 🙂
28.09.2015 We have new Maine Coon kittens 🙂
24.02.2015 We have new Siberian kittens 🙂
22.02.2015 Another great day at the GCCFI Midland Cat Show in Limerick today.
Our Maine Coon boy – Bulgari got 1st place, Hib. cert., BOB, Best of Variety Semi-longhair and finally Best In Show semi-longhair .
Our Siberian Girl – Tunezja got 1st place, CC and BOB.
Looking forward to the Supreme in May 🙂

12.02.2015 New Maine Coon kitten on board.
We introduce Forestside Neo 🙂

21.10.2014 We are on the first site of the local newspapper 🙂

19.10.2014 Our very big succes on Siamese & all breeds cat club of Ireland 61st champion cat show

Grand & Supreme Champion Bulgari Bubu Coons (DGC in TICA and the 2nd best Black Classic Tabby Maine Coon in EW Region) .Won on an yesterday’s show: 1st place, Hibernian Grand Challenge Cert., Best of Breed, Best of Variety Semi Longhair Adult, Best in Show Semi Longhair, Best in Show Overall and Public’s Favorite Pedigree Cat.